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Archive for October, 2007

Busses 3. Busse in Tilburg, angeschrieben mit “Geen Dienst” — “Extra Dienst” — “Geen Dienst”

Wenn 2 Busse keinen Dienst tun, muss der dritte extra Dienst tun….

3 Buses in Tilburg, saying “Geen Dienst”, “Extra Dienst”, “Geen Dients” — if two buses are not on duty (geen dienst) the third one has to work extra.

‘When we have gold we are in fear … ‘ is the first half of an old English proverb. John McDowell was ‘gold commander’ in charge of the assassination operation (surveillance this is called in jargon) on Jean Charles de Menezes on 22 July. ‘We did our best’ he is reported saying. But, obviously, that’s not always good enough, as the proverb continues: ‘… when we have none we are in danger’.

An interesting discussion on librarything (click to see it) on the question if writers would rather prefer being paid or being read. It turns out that it’s all about “I love it when people read my work” and “I don’t want someone else making money from my writing while I don’t”, acknowledging that it is nice to get paid (even if it only “puts me roughly at the same wage level as a banana picker in Guatemala”) and that “publishers have a wider range of readers than most individuals”.

What do you think?

The WIPO has published a new booklet in their “Learn from the past, create for the future” series — a school study and exercise book on The Arts and Copyright.

Details of WIPO’s announcement are here.

The booklets should be ordered from the WIPO electronic bookshop at